THE Vegan Toad in the Hole Collab is here!

⭐ Join the waitlist for pre-launch access, product discounts & exclusive updates! ⭐

Time left until the members-only pre-launch opens!

Vausages began in 2018, when co-founder Zerline literally woke from a dream that she & her partner Reiss were selling hotdogs at a festival! From that day forth they set out to make that dream a reality, making each and every Vausage by hand out of their home kitchen, using a super secret wholefood-based recipe. 

To bring the first ever Vegan Sausage Factory/Diner to life - making Vausages available to buy online & from stores & restaurants across the country! It will also serve as a community hub, where you guys will be able to come & hang-out, whilst enjoying the ultimate Vausages Diner experience!

So you’re probably wondering ‘how’s this gonna happen?’ - well, in order to help fund this project we are running a rewards-based crowdfunding campaign, where you’ll be able to pre-order a bunch of limited edition Vausages products. Meal Kits, Merch, our Secret Blue Sauce, plus much more!! So, if you’d like to find out more about our plans & get access to the campaign before anybody else (+ exclusive discounts), be sure to join the Crowdfunding Waiting List.

✨ Sign up below for exclusive 24hr pre-launch access ✨

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